Why Your Donation Matters

July 12, 2022

Can you imagine yourself surviving with less than 2 USD per day?  Well, this will define you as a poor person, and after the pandemic, the poverty world's percentage was between 9,1 % and 9,4 % of the population, according to the World Bank, one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. This number has been going down ever since because of donations and charities. These organizations can help people fight diseases and send their children to school. For someone to be able to get out of poverty, they need to have their necessities covered, and that is why our donation is so important.

Sometimes we can think that this world is a little bit upside down. If you take your smartphone or if you open your browser, you will find an unbelievable amount of bad news that happened just this week. You already know that, and you already feel bad about it, just like us.

If we happen to be poor today, we will not be able to afford education for our children or food to end hunger. A pregnant woman will suffer enormously in their pregnancies and giving birth, not to count the health conditions. We will not have opportunities to study or work abroad because we will be too busy solving every day's hunger and health issues.

That is why we created all of this, this Organization, these projects, a story behind a duck! Because we believe that out of all of the bad news and the suffering of the human kind these days, there is something that we can do to make a better world. Of course, we would love to press a button and stop wars, change a country’s politics and equilibrate the socio-economic imbalance worldwide. We can’t do that, but we can help the most needed and affected people of the world.

Helping to reduce poverty by helping the people of underdeveloped countries is the goal of some nonprofit organizations like T.W.F. Your nonprofit donation will help such organizations buy food supplies, clothes, potable water, and other products that families may need. By improving living standards, these organizations hope to achieve something simple but really big: to be sure the kids and youth can find new opportunities.

Today we give you 3 reasons why you should donate to nonprofit organizations:

1. To make an impact

If we want to see a change in the world we are living in, we need to think that we can do something about it. There is a generalized belief that we can’t do anything about poverty, and this is not true. You should know that just one dollar can change someone’s reality and make a huge impact. So, don’t stop giving!

2. To reduce poverty

According to the World Bank, between 75 and 95 million more people lived in extreme poverty in 2022. There is high food price inflation, and the public finances have been depleted due to the COVID-19 crisis. This will likely not be going to change soon. One of the biggest reasons why you should donate is to remove poverty since this is the only direct way to solve this problem.

3. To promote justice

We know people in underdeveloped countries cannot get opportunities like a higher living standard, a better education, and probably a job.  Most of these people cannot work because of diseases or they cannot study because they have children. The donation will help such people to find opportunities and overcome poverty.

Donate whenever and any amount

When you find an organization where you like to donate, just remember that it is not about how much money you are donating, but the intention to do it. All that matters is how you have donated it. You give something to the world, it is slowly changing for good, and now you are part of it!

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